Why is Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk The World’s Best Chocolate Milk?

What makes Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk the best in the world? Some might say it’s the rich, creamy taste. Others might say it’s the perfect balance of chocolate and milk. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk is the world’s best chocolate milk.

So how did Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk become the world’s best?

It all starts with the ingredients.

Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk is made with real Dutch cocoa and farm fresh Borden milk. Borden has been America’s favorite dairy for over 150 years! And because Borden only uses the finest ingredients, you can be sure you’re getting the best tasting chocolate milk around. Our Dutch cocoa powder is made by treating cocoa beans with alkali (a type of salt) during the production process to help neutralize its natural acidity. This darkens the cocoa and gives our Dutch Chocolate Milk a smoother, milder chocolate flavor sure to please your taste buds. No other chocolate milk measures up to the one and only Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk!

A nutritious choice.

Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk is not only rich and chocolatey, but also packed with nutrients. Each serving contains 8 grams of protein and 25% of the daily value of calcium. Plus, it comes from cows that have not been treated with rbST and has 9 essential nutrients to help kids grow healthy and strong. This makes Dutch Chocolate Milk the perfect choice for school lunches and snacks.

Did you know that chocolate milk is also an excellent recovery drink for athletes? The protein in chocolate milk can help repair muscles after a workout and the carbohydrates help replenish energy levels. That’s why many professional athletes choose chocolate milk as their go-to post-workout drink.

You can’t forget about Elsie!

No carton of Borden Dutch Chocolate milk is complete without the face of America’s favorite spokescow. Elsie has been around for over 85 years and is one of the country’s most beloved and recognized icons. She has appeared on TV, in magazines, and even has her own line of merchandise. She has come to represent the goodness of Borden milk and all the hardworking dairy farmers who produce it.

Elsie is just one more reason why Borden Dutch Chocolate Milk is the best in the world! When you see Elsie on our chocolate milk, you can be sure you’re getting a top quality product from a brand you trust.

We have the best fans

Dutch Chocolate Milk fans are passionate people! They write songs about Dutch Chocolate Milk, they get Dutch Chocolate Milk tattoos, and even throw Dutch Chocolate Milk themed weddings. There are even stories of Borden lovers hiring a private jet to fly a case of their favorite smooth and sweet chocolate elixir to an area of the country that didn’t sell it. That is true dedication!

We love our fans and we are so honored that Borden Dutch Chocolate is their number one choice for chocolate milk.

Are you a Dutch Chocolate milk Super-Fan?

Do you love Dutch Chocolate milk? How much? We want to know. Upload your own fan photo and tell us how much you love Borden Dutch Chocolate milk. You may even be featured as a super-fan on our website and social media profiles.

Why do you think Borden Dutch Chocolate milk is the world’s best chocolate milk?